Psychotherapy & Counselling
For individuals and couples, online or in person
Peter Thompson
Caragh Thompson
B.A. in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Dip. ION, MICASA, IACP (Pre-Accredited)
Camilla Brown
MSc, Clin Dip, ICP, UKCP
Yoga Weekly Classes
Yoga with Irene Hurley
Monday evenings 7.30 – 9.00pm. Term time
Yoga with Esther Wall
Thursday evenings
Term time.
Friday mornings
Term time.
Yoga Retreats
Throughout the year, we frequently have 1-day yoga retreats facilitated by different yoga teachers. If you are interested in knowing about upcoming retreats please email info@thewellcentre.ie
Mindful Self Compassion with Pascale De Coninck
Tuesdays 9.45 – 11.15am during term time
Mindfulness with Pascale De Coninck
One-to-one Mindfulness Course
One-to-one Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Course
ICASA couples clinic with David & Alba Lucia Brown
David and Alba Lucia Brown from The Centre for ICASA, UK will be holding a clinic at The Well Centre, Carrigtwohill on June 21st 2019. Couples who are interested in booking an appointment with them can contact enquiries@icasa.co.uk. Please also see www.icasa.co.uk
Upcoming Psychotherapy Workshops
Psychotherapists Elaine King and Denis Ryan from Galway will be facilitating a Psychotherapy Workshop “Romancing the Shadow” on Nov 19th and 20th.